spoken gospel - light givers
I am realizing I am behind one week & 11 hours on this blog entry. It has been my intention to post something to share with you every 2 weeks, but looks like that would have been last week. oops. As I am juggling things & I’m finding it really helps to set reminders on my phone. I’ve only started using reminders on the phone, but wow, they are helpful. So, looks like I need to add the blog entry to my reminders!
I knew that I wanted to share SPOKEN GOSPEL with you when I shared THE BIBLE PROJECT with you previously. We learned about SPOKEN GOSPEL through the Bible App, too, and it is just as unique and wonderful as THE BIBLE PROJECT is.
SPOKEN GOSPEL has both ‘Introductions’ to books of the Bible AND ‘devotionals’.
The INTRODUCTIONS are beautiful dramatic representations, though without the actors/actresses speaking; however, the narrator does the speaking about what you are watching. The INTRODUCTIONS are so unique, beautiful & powerful.
The DEVOTIONALS are brief summaries of different chapters of the Bible and provide excellent insights for learning, specifically pointing you to JESUS in every part of the Bible.
OH! I’m seeing they also have DEVOTIONAL PODCASTS. we have not yet see/listened to these, but we excited to see any additional offering by SPOKEN GOSPEL.
I hope you will take some time to enjoy and learn from this inspirational group of people.
sidenote: Let me mention, we are studying the book of Lamentations currently… so many tedious jewish laws and customs here. I find it quite overwhelming and tend to cringe at so much animal sacrifice. In the SPOKEN GOSPEL devotionals we have noticed that each series covering a book of the Bible is typically covered by one person throughout. Who covers each book varies.
I’m not sure what the guy’s name is who provides the Lamentations devotionals, but we have found him to be SO contagiously optimistic and joyous… and to have that countenance when speaking through studies of the book of Lamentations is quite amazing to me!! Anyway, I will link the first one of the series of Lamentations here. We hope to see him in additional studies, though I will say, we also enjoy hearing David and Seth too.