I hope as you look around, that my unique made-with-HOPE-&-LOVE designs will encourage & inspire you… & be witness to those around you, as conversation starters about truths, starting with - - - ‘the dash matters’, ‘laws and orders’ and ‘trusting the plan’.

But, let me back up a bit…

My mother says that my lifelong love of the USA was destined to be, since the middle 3 letters of my first name are USA. sUSAn. She pointed this out to me as an adult. And why had I not seen that years before? Anyway, I love that I can attach that association to my name.

Starting in 2020 my rather simple, pure view of the USA began to be shaken. What was going on?! Since then, I am surprised by how much I’ve questioned while also learning more than I ever imagined… about things I thought I knew or things I felt I didn’t need to know.

In 2016, I admit, I was a doubter of Trump, feeling he had a generally harsh & rude nature. How would that personality line up with the expected ‘dignified’ & polished role of President? Ok, yes, I can laugh about that now. I was truly uninformed, misinformed, and unaware… unaware of the scope of corruption/evil & why someone just like him was needed.

Prior to beginning the ‘waking up’, I was just happy the president was not HRC. Then to watch his presidency start unfolding… witnessing the first several years, I was in awe of his accomplishments and the clearly evident, successful direction of the country. That alone was enough to support him going forward. I was so optimistic about the future!

In 2019 when things started hitting-the-fan, I, like many, began the process of ‘waking up’.

Then, November 2020, believing (& still believing) that the 2020 election was not legitimate (stolen), I just knew that ‘at any minute’ (ie: before the 2020 “inauguration”) the wrongs were going to be righted… swiftly & visibly. I still had so much to learn… and still do, I’m sure.

We are now years into this stuff. The process has been both painful & exhilarating, and sometimes heartbreaking & exhausting.

Though still in the storm, I’m grateful for what I’ve learned. I have changed.

I’ve cried so many tears for this country I love & for the American people…. and for the world too, for as America goes, so goes the world. I’ve prayed. I’ve donated time, skills & energy for ‘the cause’ locally, and hopefully those efforts might also contribute a small part toward helping make a postive impact nationally.

Through this unusual & historic time, I’ve gained an understanding of how truly PERFECT DJT is as President… well, Commander and Chief / Supreme Commander is the actual title. (Derek Johnson can explain all of that in detail & very well). I’ve come to appreciate CIC DJT’s personality & tendencies to the point of full adoration & gratitude… going WAY beyond just appreciating the positive direction of the country during his first term. Could there be another person more perfect than he to take on what needs to be taken on? No. He has everything it takes & more.

I watch some of his rallies on RSBN, and even though most rallies have the same messages & stories, it never seems to get old. I am always touched & inspired, often to the point of tears. God Bless this man! Hero.

I have another hero in my life, my sister Leigh Ann. She started on the journey of learning how “The Dash Matters” before I did. She is an excellent guide & a hope-filled encourager through it ALL. She is there to offer me an ‘attitude adjustment’ at any time. Blessing.

I’ve also been particularly encouraged & enlightened by the information boldly & confidently shared (from publicly available .mil and .gov sites) by army veteran Derek Johnson: “Donald John Trump has been your President the WHOLE time… 45 - 47… The Dash Matters…. Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan”. - - - Yes, Derek speaks truth. The dash matters. This phrase, “the dash matters” originates with Derek. He hammers this phrase over & over & OVER in his late night broadcasts on social media, trying to wake people up. As you can see, it is my favorite thing he says. It sums it ALL up! Thanks Derek. - - - And while I have my own thoughts contrary to some of his, the basis of the Laws & Orders isn’t disputed, and that, for me, is what matters most, regardless of how they are executing ‘the plan’.

I love that President Trump added the ‘45-47’ to the side of his classic MAGA hats in April of 2023. He is such a confident & brilliant man, do you think he would add this if it wasn’t true (the dash, 46) and wasn’t going to be true (47)? No. - - - The dash matters.

My offerings here are my inspired artistic creations reflecting some of what I’ve learned and the enormous gratitude I feel for the Commander in Chief DJT, our military, for those taking the time & effort to share truth… and for all those working behind the scenes to save our country (and the world)… for ALL of those executing the plan. I believe CIC DJT tells the truth when he says ‘The best is yet to come’.

- - - The dash matters.

As these items are all POD (print-on-demand), so they aren’t the cheapest you’ll find, but again, I hope my unique made-with-HOPE-&-LOVE designs will encourage & inspire you… & be witness to those around you, as conversation starters about truths. And may we all share these truths we have learned with kindness, compassion & love. There are still so many who are mostly or completely unaware. And those of us who are ‘awake’, I still believe there is SO much yet for us to learn too.

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