random patriotic art mention
Although I have tried MANY art mediums over my lifetime, the one common art endeavor I have never stuck with for long is sewing. I’m not sure why I have had a level of frustration with it EVERY time I’ve tried or felt i could not get things ‘perfect’, and being a perfectionist (typically), I always dropped my sewing attempts and went back to other things I felt more skilled with and felt I could get closer TO perfect.
Recently, I have been tackling some relatively simple sewing projects for the house, and in researching various things that apply to it, I have fallen upon some happy detours.
I saw this today, and wow!… now I want to take up quilting (again)…. I tried quilting once in my 20s after my grandfather passed away. Around that time, I took a week off from work to spend in Alabama with my grandmother. She was a VERY skilled quilter and she agreed to help teach me. I took on a fairly complicated project (par for me), and though I felt it was going well, later, after I had arrived back home and I took it to a quilt shop with a question, a worker there communicated that it was done ‘all wrong’. Discouraged, I put it away and never picked it back up.
Truth is, as an artist, why does it need to be a certain way? It doesn’t! just because my project didn’t match pattern standards, did not mean it could not work or wouldn’t… it would be a variation-of. One day I will pick that project back up and continue just as I stared it - - as a variation-of.
After seeing this beauty today, I had to share this link for any of you who are sewers or quilters… this is SO beautiful. It is THE GOD AND COUNTRY quilt pattern from easypiecyquilts.com. If and when I finish my first quilt, this one is next-up!